Channel: Sri Balaji Full Movies
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: aziz naser moviesstepney movie comedyadnan sajid khanstepney full movie onlinehyderabadi comedystepney full moviesri balaji videohyderabadi moviesaziz naseradnan sajid khan movieshyderabadi movie stepney
Description: Watch Stepney Hyderabadi Full Movie on Sri Balaji Full Movies. #Stepney Is a Pure comedy Movie with Hyderabadi touch, Starring #GulluDada (Adnan Sajid Khan), #AzizNaser, Preeti Nigam, Farha, Sana. Directed By Aziz Nasser. Stepney is a comedy based on the life of a man and the discovery he makes of his wife. He marries a woman he thought would bring back in to his life joys and happiness like that of a quintessential couple. But over time he finds out that she has planned on making his life a living hell. He is angered and frustrated by his wife and brother in law and ends up finding a different side of his story falling in love with another divorcee. From then on what happens is far worse than what he presumed to be out of control. The things he goes through are devastating but have been shown in the most hilarious manner. ► Subscribe to YouTube Channel: ► Like us on Facebook: ► Circle us on G+: ► Like us on Twitter: